Welcome to Fancy Fronds Nursery. Spring 2025 shipping season begins in March and will continue through June as weather allows. Thank you for your patience. We are happy to announce our online fern inventory was update on March 24th 2025, and more ferns have emerged and become available!

We are a small family run mail-order nursery in Gold Bar, Washington, specializing in hardy temperate ferns. Our nursery is open by appointment and we also ship seasonally to all 50 U.S. states.  We offer a wide selection of ferns, including hardy temperate ferns, Victorian cultivars, xeric ferns, alpine ferns, tropical and sub-tropical ferns, and spike-mosses.  Ferns are carefully packed and shipped during cool weather in the spring and fall to ensure they arrive safely and in good condition. The standard size of our ferns is a 4” container, though larger specimens may be available for some items. Ferns are shipped via USPS Priority Mail, and shipping may be subject to seasonal conditions. We do not ship during July and August. Please take a moment to read our Shipping policies in the "FAQ" section of our website if you have any questions about shipping times or rates. Due to the base cost of shipping, we do recommend (but do not require) a $20 minimum order to maximize the number of ferns you will receive compared to the shipping cost.  We are also more than happy to help you select ferns perfect for your USDA zone that will thrive in your garden.  

Looking for something specific?  Search for ferns by common name, latin name, USDA zone, or keyword (zone 7, evergreen, deciduous, ostrich fern, maidenhair, Athyrium, crested etc.) or just browse our "Shop for Ferns" or “Category” pages below. Please note that some specialty and limited supply items may only be available via direct inquiry, so if you don’t find what you are looking for in-stock on our website, contact us and we will try to help you find it!


Pictured: Jeweled Chain Fern (Woodwardia unigemata)

Pictured: Jeweled Chain Fern (Woodwardia unigemata)

Whether you are looking for a splash of color, texture, or just love gardening, we have the ferns for you!  Our plants are thoroughly established, rigorously identified, and are grown in minimally heated greenhouses, making for specimens that are ready to thrive in your garden.  Live ferns are shipped during the spring  and fall to protect them from extreme heat and cold. We do not bare-root the plants, but rather remove them from their containers and wrap them in moist newsprint to protect them during shipping. We recommend potting them up or planting them in the ground soon after receiving them.

Zephyrus, one of our pet griffins

Zephyrus, one of our pet griffins

In addition to our mail order offerings, we have a large selection of limited stock and seasonal items that are available at the nursery.  We are open year round by appointment (call us!), and located on the scenic Skykomish river off U.S. Highway 2 in Gold Bar, Washington


Our past exhibit at the 2019 Northwest Flower and Garden Show

Our past exhibit at the 2019 Northwest Flower and Garden Show

Local plant sales are in the works for Spring 2022!

Quick Browse for ferns by category:

Quick Browse for ferns by common name or latin name:

Fancy Fronds Nursery * PO BOX 1090 * 40830 172nd Street SE * Gold Bar WA, 98251

PHONE: (360) 793-1472 * JUDITH’S CELL: (206) 707-4807

EMAIL: fancyfronds@gmail.com

WEB: www.fancyfrondsnursery.com